

Select the desired correlated color temperature (CCT) and color rendering index (CRI) of the LED luminaire
Select the desired photometric characteristic of the LED luminaire
H3: Excellent longitudinal luminance uniformity for EN13201 M-class where road width is equal to the pole height. Usually to illuminate up to three lanes in front of the pole.
H4: Excellent longitudinal luminance uniformity for EN13201 M-class where road width is wider than the pole height. Usually to illuminate up to four lanes in front of the pole.
PC: Fully asymmetric beam designed to highlight right side traffic pedestrian crossings.
PR: Excellent longitudinal luminance uniformity for EN13201 M-class where road width is wider than the pole height.
WA: IESNA Type II (medium) beam with excellent backlight control, illuminance uniformity and cutoff.
WD: Universal road lighting beam with excellent mixed illuminance and luminance uniformity. Typically IESNA Type III (medium).
Select the desired nominal electrical power of the LED luminaire

Power range: 5W do 15W

Select the desired operation mode of the LED lamp
Overvoltage protection option
Select the desired LED luminaire wiring.
Choose the desired color of the LED luminaire housing.
Select the desired class of protection against electric shock
Choose the desired controlling the LED luminaire.
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